We bought this house in May 1992 and it was the location of so many wonderful events, from family gatherings for Christmas and Thanksgiving to entertaining friends and hosting vestry meetings. There were baby showers and teas with our grandchildren. We built an HO guage model railroad in the basement which we enjoyed with our grandchildren. John set up a stained glass workshop where he produced numerous windows for our home and for friends and family. In 2009 we moved out and began traveling year-long in our RV. The house was converted to rental property and our son Eric managed it. In the last 13 years we had two renters who provided us with a steady income. But it is now time to simplify our lives and we decided to sell it. Just before Thanksgiving, we closed on the sale of the house. Yea! We will invest the proceeds so we can receive some income to compensate in part for what funds we had been getting in rent. It was a great home and then income property. But it is time to move on.


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