Desert Beauty

The Phoenix area receives an average of 5.5 inches of precipitation a year. We have received that much already in 2023 and the summer monsoons don't arrive until summer.  We are enjoying the beautiful weather and the flowers brought out by the rain.

These are Argentine giant cactus flowers.  We see them each spring here in Gold Canyon and I think of them as Easter lilies of the desert.  In the past we have seen only white flowers on the plants.

This year, there have also been several other colors, as well. 

The ocotillo also are blooming.

So are other cactus plants.

When we are not out walking and checking on the beautiful flowers, John has been using the scroll saw to make trivets and coasters.

I am happy to report the bruises and swelling on my face are slowly leaving.  I still look rough, but I am getting better.


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