Changing Seasons

 We have been here in our Lone Tree apartment since April and have watched the seasons change.  This fall the leaves have been absolutely beautiful, probably the most colorful we ever remember here. I was ready to post a blog about changing colors. But yesterday we had a taste of winter--that means snow--and so I will change the focus a bit.

In May, soon after we arrived, we looked out our window and saw this.

Fast forward to October and November and the trees were no longer green or white.  The leaves had changed to yellow and many shades of orange and even red.

Driving down city streets.

Walking along paths near our apartment.

This was the view of our courtyard a couple of days ago.

The snow fell on the mountains last week.  Isn't it beautiful?

The snow moved down to Lone Tree and we looked out our patio door Wednesday to see this.

Today, we visited the Lone Tree Recreation Center and saw these trees.  Aren't they stunning?  They remind me of what we saw in the fall when we lived in Wisconsin.

We will see more warm sunny weather before the end of the year, and we are enjoying the seasons changes.


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